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Spot Free, Salt Free Well Water

Professional On-Farm Water Treatment

Safely Removes

Iron & Manganese

Kills E-Coli/ Coliforms with NO Chemicals

Safely Removes


Farm Freshwater Dugout Reverse Osmosis

Farm Fresh Water Reverse Osmosis systems are a low cost, low maintenance option to bring perfect spot free drinkable water. Minerals in water wells generally cause staining. In some situations where wells have low mineral content we utilize old technologies like water softeners but these systems tend to fail over time and will never make perfect water. Water softeners add salt to the water shortening the life cycle of household appliances and fixtures where reverse osmosis is like perfect rain water. New technologies in reverse osmosis have lowered operating cost to less than running most water softeners without having to haul the salt. 

At Farm Freshwater, we offer a new approach to treating well and surface water. Blending new technologies with our real life experiences we have a new approach to clean safe water.  

Spot Free Dishes from dishwasher guaranteed or your money back.


The Mini House RO


This is a new innovation that targets supplying  spot free water to key areas in the house.  A big advantage to this is lower operating costs of $40.00/year and An installed price of $1950.00.  The system requires a proper working water softener.  We can test your water softener at no charge to confirm. This package includes a drinking water faucet at kitchen sink as well as hookup to fridge water/ice. The unit takes up very little space.

Water Softeners/Iron filters designed with a physical way to keep the bed from fouling

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